Friday, May 15, 2009

Giant Bombing

I have an achievement problem, sure it's not nearly as bad as some other people's achievement problems, but I still do uncharacteristic things like play games that I would rather be done with just so I can add some more achievements.

This is already a problem.

And here comes, who added a bizarre and brilliant achievement tracking system to their site. This new system assigns a letter grade for each game based not only on how many points you actually have, but which achievements you get. For example, lets say you and I both have 15 achievements in a given game, the 15 that you have are pretty much the same that most people have, you'll likely get something like a B. Now, lets assume that of my 15, 5 of them are insanely rare and very few people in Giant Bomb's database have them, i'll get a higher grade.

This is a living record, so the more people get my rare points, the less valueable they will become, and the lower my grade in that game will be.

The thing I like most about this is that it fosters competition in a whole new way, since the more the community does, the more you're pressed to do in order to keep up.

I should note that this system also allows for the inclusion of WoW achievements and someday soon, Steam... they are just getting warmed up!

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