Friday, May 08, 2009

The Empire Strikes Back?

I've been trying to find the right words to describe how I feel about Sony's recent announcement that they've usurped the publishing rights for the Ghostbusters game in Europe and will be granting their platforms some timed exclusivity (IE: they are delaying the release for 360, Wii, and DS). This is most certainly more in line with the PS1/PS2 era Sony that I remember not at all fondly. The words still escape me, though I think Jerry Holkins over at Penny Arcade found them quite handedly:
Sony publishing Ghostbusters in Europe just strikes me as hilarious. Part of that might be that I'm not really out anything - I don't live there. It's purely a thought exercise unfolding in a theoretical expanse. I seem to recall the official Sony position being that to secure this kind of exclusive was an immoral act of almost bestial desperation, but maybe that's only when other companies do it.

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